Volunteers needed, from one hour per week to a full-time temporary assignment — whatever fits your schedule. In Woodlawn, there are fourteen community gardens, many vacant lots, and several initiatives in urban ag and creating a local healthy food system. Volunteer and intern positions are available this fall to participate in GROW (Garden Resources of Woodlawn) projects. See list below. For a student internship, we can work with you to structure an assignment that includes challenges, learning and investigation. For more information, or to sign up, send email toinfo@growwoodlawn.org.
Fund Raising. Help with Kickstarter and other funding campaigns for Woodlawn community gardens.
Non-profit and For-Profit Startup Assistance. Basic legal, business, bylaws, business plan, accounting assistance needed for new Woodlawn startups related to new communities gardens, urban ag, and healthy food access.
New Raised Beds, Etc. Help build new raised beds that will be used to grow vegetables starting in spring 2015. Help with community garden infrastructure improvement and maintenance.
Four Seasons Gardening. Some locations have planted for a late fall, early winter harvest of vegetables. Learn about four seasons gardening. Help construct low tunnels to protect plants until Dec. Help with harvest and distribution. Help complete and repair several existing greenhouses in Woodlawn, so they can be resource for community growers.
Class A Composted Biosolids Pilot. MWRD (Metropolitan Water Reclamation District) is piloting the use of Class A, exceptional quality, composted biosolids for use in community gardens. Participate in a research and pilot program in Woodlawn.
Organic Gardening Best Practices. Probably all the community gardens in Woodlawn are practicing mostly organic gardening techniques. Learn about current practices. Help to refine and improve low-cost, easy, sustainable organic practices for Woodlawn growers.
Urban Ag / Healthy Local Food System. There are many vacant lots in Woodlawn. Help those seeking to start urban agriculture projects in Woodlawn. Woodlawn has been identified as part of the a ‘food desert’, with low access to healthy, nutritious fresh produce. Assist with investigating and implementing a variety of projects to implement a local, healthy, affordable food system in Woodlawn and nearby neighborhoods.
Build Community. Help new and established community gardens reach out into their neighborhood, involve more residents, and create a space for neighborhood activities and cohesion.
Neighborhood Beautification. Plan and implement projects to add flowerbeds and outdoor artwork in Woodlawn community gardens, residential blocks and the business streets.
Skills Development / Reentry Programs. Assist community gardens to partner with skills development and reentry programs such that it is win/win for the community garden and the program participants.