Woodlawn Gardening – 2014 Review

Some highlights here from our 2014 activities.

Flowerbeds makeover at 64th and Cottage Grove.  Thanks to GROW, Living Room Cafe, and Inspired Community Garden volunteers who made this happen.  Mix of perennials and annuals.  Lyme Grass, Northern Sea Oats, Miscanthus, Amaranthus, Marigolds, Petunias, Coleus.  Most of the annuals were started from seed.  Perennials came from divides.



New Community Garden – Inspired Community Garden.  GROW helped get this garden started this year.

Inspired Community Garden 20140906 small


Spring Starter Plant Sale.  There were a total of eleven orders for the 2014 GROW Plant Sale.  Organically grown vegetable and herb starter plants were grouped ordered and delivered at the 61st Street Farmers Market, 61st & Dorchester.  The vegetable starter plants were provided by Mike and Clare’s Farm.

61st Street Farmers Market – Education Booth.  We answered gardening questions for three Saturdays at Education Booth at the farmers market.

Gardening Workshops – Living Room Cafe. GROW provided gardening workshops, including seed starting demos, at the Living Room Cafe.